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Welcome to the homepage for the IMPACT study. Please view our video to find out more about why we are conducting the study and what we intend to do.

We are currently looking for children and young people with any rheumatological condition, and their parents, carers and healthcare professionals to take part in Part 1 of this study. You do not both have to take part, for example a young person can take part without their parent, and equally parents can take part without your child/young person having to (in fact it is better if we have individuals from different families to maximise experiences and ideas). We will get groups of people together (called focus groups) to discuss what ideas people have of how we can support families better and what content people might like to see in the intervention we plan to make. These focus groups will be happening across the UK between November 2023 and April 2024, some will be virtual (you join us through a phone/computer link) and some are hoped to be face-to-face. We aim to do these at a time that works best for you.

Please do consider joining this study if you would like to improve future support for children and young people with rheumatological conditions, and their families. We want to hear from you whatever your experience: good, not so good or indifferent - this will help us learn how we can help others.

Thank you.



If you are interested in any of this work and especially if you would like to take part in any of the study parts, please contact the 'Impact team' by completing the form.

Thank you very much for submitting! You will hear back from us soon.

This work is being conducted from Great Ormond Street Hospital in London and has full HRA ethical approval IRAS 329476, REC ref 23/YH/0172. The study is funded by the National Institute of Health and Care Research (NIHR), Advanced Clinical Academic Fellowship (ACAF) 302864 from 1st April 2023 – 31st July 2026.

The IMPACT Study

Interventions to improve Mental health supPort in families with children And young people with Chronic rheumaTological conditions

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